> This Veterans' Day, at 1:00 pm on the South Oval, a
> nation-wide "Rally for America" will take place.
> Simultaneously, at nearly 600 universities all over
> the US, students will gather to support our troops
> and our country.

I am confused.  Why would we want to participate in
a pro-war rally?  Why would we cheer on a nation so
corrupt it would tolerate the court's appointing Bush
to the Oval Office or cheer on powers so soul-dead
they happily look the other way when gays are murdered
and domestic terrorists attack pro-choice clinics and
fundamentalist Christian forces move forward in their
plan to turn our nation into a theocracy hostile to
progressive Christians, pagans, Muslims, Jews, and
other religions?

I am confused by these e-mailings.  What am I missing?

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