Clipped this from a post on the HIstorical Fiction mail list.  Seems to suggest that the "great swampy middle" may be more than a Deborah Chester teaching device, doesn't it?
Okay, the WIP began in earnest in late August.  You all know how it usually goes, that beginning flush of excitement.  With me it's a mystery and did I have fun setting it up---I've worked on this idea off and on since 1998---and introducing the cast.  I have a pretty good idea who dunnit and why.  It's that swamp called the middle.  The plot and subplots should begin to intertwine, the suspects to point fingers at each other, and a rising tide of unease to build.  Any time now.
Don't you love having the cars, the clothes, the songs of the period all at your fingertips, and the excitement wanes and you think, "Why in the hell am I doing this?  It's utter rubbish!"
What do you folks do?
I think I'll have a glass of port, and, mentally anyway, go back to Tara and think about it tomorrow.
