An ironic juxtaposition found in the Student Union
Building at OU today :

   a nutrition table set up with only two pamphlets --
both of them on techniques for burning off or dropping
those extra pounds gained during the holiday eating
festivals (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve)

   diagonally across from

   a table asking for donations of canned goods to
help the many people in Norman who often go to bed
hungry every night

   an ironic juxtaposition indeed, and one worth
thinking about, it seems to me

     - W. Everett Chesnut

~ solvitur ambulando ~
"The problem is solved in the walking." [-- St. Augustine]
 * *
"Not all who wander are lost." [-- J.R.R. Tolkien]
 * *
 . . I'm on an unnamed walkabout
 . . . . with no whither nor whence

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