On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 15:22, Quyen Arana wrote:
> I'm bringing a case of beer tomorrow to the meeting. It'll probably be
> 3.2 since I don't want to shell out bucks for more. I'm not buying
> sodas since you can get those around the corner. If you want to keep
> this up, bring a donation or someone else agree to buy next time. If we
> get enough in the funds, I might even bring a bag of pretzels next time.
> Sponsorships are also available. If any of you are in-cahoots with Bill
> G., hit him up. Tell him we'll promise not to mention the "L" word.

Speaking thereof, what time is the meeting tomorrow?


PS: yeah, Bill Gates hates hearing "loser". I don't blame him, people
remain sensitive for many years over their childhood nicknames. ;-)