Hey everybody, As some of you who keep in direct contact with me know (and probably have heard about at length), I've got some ideas for a few non-intrusive IT projects. I'd like to talk about them at the meeting, if everyone doesn't mind. What my question is, is this: I've written up a summary of each proposal, the possible benefits, the amount of time to get it running, and the amount of work it will take from each of you to either 1) use it, or 2) help us implement it. Rest assured, the amount of work for you guys is very low. So, do you want me to bring the written summary to the meeting, or do you want to read it now, and ask me questions at the meeting? It's about 8 pages in a PDF, but it's quick reading. I'll do a short summary of each one at the meeting anyways, but if you'd like to read the proposals now, I've put up a copy of the report here: http://microarray-developer.omrf.org/alan/itproposals.pdf I welcome any feedback, and hope to discuss this at the meeting. I think you'll find that most of these projects are low-hanging fruit. Alan