I did. QuyenArana

On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 08:52 AM, Robert Horowitz wrote:

> Is it advised (or not) to register ourselves on your WIKI sites?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Shields [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 4:55 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Wiki
> I have two Wikis up and running that everyone is free to play with.
> They are live sites, but if you go to the SandBox (instructions below),
> you are free to edit anything in the SandBox, and read anything on the
> rest of the site[1].
> The two Wikis are:
> TWiki:
> http://opensource.microarray.omrf.org/wiki/bin/view/Sandbox/WebHome
> WikkiTikkiTavi:
> http://fundresearch.org/Wiki/SandBox.html
> Check out the rest of the site to see what you think. I hope to discuss
> a bit about possible uses at the next ISG meeting, as well as
> demonstrate behavior.
> There is one other commonly used, open source wiki engine out there:
> Moin Moin. I do not currently have it installed, and, honestly, I'd
> rather not run it. I already maintain two Wiki engines, that's more
> than enough for me.
> If someone else would volunteer to run it, however, that would be fine.
> Update on time server status: got swamped. I've taken the steps needed,
> however, and in a few days time.isg.omrf.org will be up and running. If
> you're interested, ask me about it before or during the ISG meeting.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> [1]NB: you CAN edit the entire site. Please don't, unless you have
> something to add. SandBox can be used for anything and everything,
> however.
Quyen Arana
  271 - 7683