Dear MAC Members, Some in AEJMC are literally salivating at the possibility of tearing Jayson Blair of the New York Times apart at Kansas City. The way some folks are talking about it, you would think that plagiarism has never been an issue in American journalism before. What Jayson did is indefensible, but he is neither the first to engage in plagiarism and unethical conduct nor will he be the last. MAC will and should resist the temptation by some to demonize Jayson Blair beyond what is warranted. For example, here is a note by somebody calling for a special session devoted to the Jayson Blair affair at the Kansas City program: “If we don't make this historic Jayson Blair NY Times scandal--with all its implications for our industry, for our students and for us--a central part of our session in Kansas City, than we are an irrelevant organization that has no business saying it's involved with "journalism education” I think this is uncalled for. But I would like to hear what others in MAC think of this before I commit our Division to a position. Ali.