If this message doesn't display correctly, click on
http://www.itu.int/wsis/newsroom/eflash/2003/june/number5.html to read it on
the web.


The Next 'Summit' Step
The Intersessional Period between PrepCom-2 and PrepCom-3 is dedicated to
refining the working documents for the Draft
td|>  Declaration of Principles and Draft Action Plan. To assist in doing
this an Intersessional meeting is being convened from 15-18 July 2003 at
UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. More information for participants is available
here <http://www.itu.int/wsis/preparatory/prepcom/intersessional/index.html>
G8 Welcomes the World Summit for the Information Society
In the Implementation Report on the G8 Africa Action Plan (paragraph 30), G8
leaders welcome WSIS and acknowledge the role of ICTs as a catalyst for
sustainable social and economic development, especially for Africa. For full
report click here
_plan.html> .
World Telecommunication Day focuses on World Summit
Secretary General of ITU Yoshio Utsumi and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
both remarked on the importance of the Summit in their World
Telecommunication Day messages <http://www.itu.int/wsis/> . The day marks
the 138th anniversary of the founding of ITU, the world's oldest
inter-governmental organization.
European Commission Objectives for Information Society
The European Commission has issued the objectives it hopes WSIS will achieve
in the form of a Communication. The Communication paves the way for concrete
actions and proposals by the EU for the Plan of Action. For more detail,
please click here
03/731|0|RAPID&lg=EN&display=> .
The Pan-Arab Regional Conference on WSIS
This conference will take place, at ministerial level, in Cairo (Egypt),
under the auspices of the League of Arab States organized by the Egyptian
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and in coordination
with ITU. The results of the conference will be taken up to 22 Arab
Ministers of Communications and Information Technology for endorsement on
the action plan to be presented at Prep Com III as well as the Summit. For
information click here <http://www.wsis-egypt.gov.eg/> .
Fellowships Available for PrepCom-3
ITU has secured donations for a limited number of fellowships to individuals
from the developing world to enable their participation in PrepCom-3.
Information on the fellowships for Civil Society participation is available
here <http://www.geneva2003.org/wsis/index_c01_3_15.htm> . Private sector or
government applicants click here
<http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs/pc3/fellowships/guideline.doc> .
Note that priority is being given to participants from Least Developed


03 Jun 2003 - 06 Jun 2003
IADIS, International Conference: <http://www.iadis.org/es2003/>  e-Society
2003, Lisbon, Portugal. The IADIS e-Society 2003 conference aims to address
the main issues of concern within the Information Society: E-Commerce,
E-Learning and E-Government.
12 Jun 2003 - 17 Jun 2003
201&reload=1047545715>  Pan-African Symposium on Community Multimedia
Centres, Dakar, Senegal. UNESCO in collaboration with AMARC Africa is
organizing a pan-African symposium on Community Multimedia Centres.
30 June
"Building the <http://www.communities.org.ru/conference/>  Information
Commonwealth: Informational Technologies and Prospects of Development of the
Civil Society Institutions in CIS Countries", Saint Petersburg. The main
purpose of this conference is to achieve a critical understanding of the
current state and prospects for using modern Information and communication
technologies (ICTs) to support the formation of civil society institutions
within the CIS territories. The conference will also focus on planning
common activities and positions within the frame of the WSIS preparatory


Digital Opportunity Channel <http://www.digitalopportunity.org/>  in
partnership with Bytes for All is launching a discussion forum
<http://www.dgroups.org/groups/IS/index.cfm>  to help stakeholders from the
developing world exchange ideas and debate issues about the emerging
information society and the WSIS.
=201&reload=1053618929>  Connects ICTs and People with Disabilities
An initiative to put ICTs in the service of persons with disabilities has
been launched by UNESCO. It brings together global experts and institutions
from the public, private and civil society sectors to develop a framework of
policy initiatives in this field. The results will be included in UNESCO's
contribution to the upcoming World Summit on the Information (WSIS).
Welcome <http://www.ictdevlibrary.org/>  to ICT DevLibrary
The CTO (Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation) today announces the
launch of ICT Development Digital Library (ICT Dev Library) as part of the
global celebrations of World Telecommunications Day on 17 May 2003. The
on-line library provides a unique collection of ICT-for-development reports
and documents for policy-makers and practitioners in developing countries.
World <http://www.crisinfo.org/live/index.php?section=2&subsection=2&id=32>
Forum on Communication Rights
The Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS) campaign is
planning on holding a one-day World Forum on Communication Rights alongside
the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in December 2003. The
forum focuses on information and communication rights issues that surround
the emergence of an information society.


 <http://www.wsisgeneva2003.org/events_set.html> 31 June 2003: Deadline for
submission of events proposals
<http://www.wsisgeneva2003.org/events_set.html>  for the Summit to the Host
Country Secretariat.
 <http://www.itu.int/wsis/participation/accreditation.html> 1 August 2003:
Deadline for requesting accreditation
<http://www.itu.int/wsis/participation/accreditation.html>  for prepCom-3
and Geneva Phase of the Summit.
 <http://www.itu.int/wsis/feedback/index.phtml?mail=pressinfo> Make your
 <http://www.itu.int/wsis/contact/index.html> Contact us
  <http://www.itu.int/wsis/images/other/ArrowRightPurple.gif>  Subscribe
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