International Festival of Tactical Media


Amsterdam 11 - 14 September 2003

De Balie / Paradiso / Melkweg / Waag Society
NIM Montevideo / Imagine IC / SALTO <>

What is Next 5 Minutes?

Next 5 Minutes is a festival that brings together art, campaigns,
experiments in media technology, and transcultural politics. Next 5 Minutes
revolves around the notion of tactical media, the fusion of art, politics
and media. The festival is organised irregularly, when the urgency is felt
to bring a new edition of the festival together.

How did this particular edition of the festival come about?

The fourth edition of the Next 5 Minutes festival is the result of a
collaborative effort of a variety of organisations, initiatives and
individuals dispersed world-wide. The program and content of the festival is
prepared through a series of Tactical Media Labs (TMLs) organised locally in
different cities around the globe. This series of Tactical Media Labs
started on September 11, 2002 in Amsterdam and they continue internationally
right up to the festival in September. TMLs have been organised in:
Amsterdam, Sydney, Cluj, Barcelona, Delhi, New York, Singapore, Birmingham,
Nova Scotia, Berlin, Chicago, Portsmouth, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Dubrovnik, and
Zanzibar. The results of the various TMLs are published in a web journal,
at: <>

What are the  main themes of N5M4?

The program of Next 5 Minutes 4 is structured along four core thematic
threads, bringing together a host of projects and debates. These four
thematic threads are: "Deep Local", which explores the ambiguities of
connecting essentially translocal media cultures with local contexts. "The
Disappearing of the Public" deals with the elusiveness of the public that
tactical media necessarily needs to interface with, and considers new
strategies for engaging with or redefining 'the public'. "The Tactics of
Appropriation" questions who is appropriating whom? Corporate, state, or
terrorist actors all seem to have become effective media tacticians, is the
battle for the screen therefore lost? "The Tactical and the Technical"
finally questions the deeply political nature of (media-)technology, and the
role that the development of new media tools plays in defining, enabling and
constraining its tactical use.

The festival explores a variety of forms and formats, from low-tech to
high-tech, from seminars and debates to performances and urban
interventions, screenings, installations as well as sound projects and live
media, a pitching session, a tool builders fair and open unmoderated spaces.
Defining for tactical media is not the medium itself, but the attitude
towards media.



How can I find out more about the festival?

By reading on in this document, but also by consulting the website of the
festival at: <>  The site also
contains a Frequently Asked Questions section that addresses many practical
questions you may have.

Further information can be obtained from the festival office: [log in to unmask]

Clemencia Rodriguez
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of Oklahoma
610 Elm Avenue
Norman OK 73019 USA
405 325 1570
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