Sept. 4, 2003 Extra Edition
Ford Foundation Announces Challenge Fund for Journalism
The Ford <>  Foundation, in partnership with Knight
Foundation, today announced a new fund to support organizations that promote
diversity in the news media. The Challenge Fund for Journalism will help
groups broaden their base of financial support through challenge grants and
fund-raising training. The seven organizations will have until June 2004 to
raise new or increased funds from donors, which will then be matched from
the Challenge Fund. Read
3_09_03_cfj-ford.html>  Ford Foundation's announcement.

Asian <>  American
Journalists Association, $75,000

Native <>  American Journalists
Association, $25,000

National Association of <>  Hispanic Journalists,

National Lesbian and Gay <>  Journalists Association,

Robert C. <>
Maynard Institute for Journalism Education, $140,000

National Association of <>  Black Journalists, $50,000

UNITY: <>  Journalists of Color, Inc.,

a global network of activists, academics, and practitioners
working toward stronger alternative, community, and citizens' media.

Una red global de activistas y academic@s apoyando
los medios alternativos, ciudadanos y comunitarios

Contact: Clemencia Rodriguez
University of Oklahoma
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