Hey everyone!

The J-College is hosting a conference, "The Media, the Military and the Iraqi War," on October 13 & 14. There is a breakfast to kick the whole thing off on October 13 and the guest speaker is Aaron Brown from CNN.

They are extending an invitation to a limited number of members from each of the journalism clubs, so I would like four people from PWA to go with me to the event. The cool part is Aaron Brown, the uncool part is that the breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. on a Monday morning.

They need a list of attendees in the office ASAP, so to be fair, I'm just going to say the first four people to say "I want to go" are going. As long as you are in the j-college and are part of PWA or are planning on being part of PWA, you're fair game to go.

Just e-mail to the list, or e-mail me at [log in to unmask].


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