Dear Celemencia and folks at Our Media,

My name is Marie Trigona, and I am writing as part of Grupo Alavio, a video activist collective in Argentina.  I am currently in the U.S. doing a series of talks and showing our videos.  I recently ran into Bob Devine, from Antioch College who passed on your information.  We from Grupo Alavio are writing for many reasons, especially taking advantage of being in the U.S. for a few weeks and network with other community/alternative media folks. 

Apart from producing audio/visual materials we are collaborating with several unemployed worker organizations in Argentina and doing an experience in community/pirate television.  Our first transmittion was during a road blockade of Quilmes, a transnational beer brewery in late September, 2003.  We transmitted live from the action and passed some of our documentaries.  Last week, we did a transmittion from a neighborhood called La Florida in the city of Solano, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.  We are planning to continue to transmitt from different neighborhoods in the province of Buenos Aires and from actions.  This is the first experience of this kind in Argentina

I am contacting you all to begin to network, build a possibility of sharing audio/visual materials, resources and diffusion of some of our materials.  As a collective we have been producing materials for over 10 years and recently we have begun to produce print materials in both English and Spanish.  I would like to send you our print publication and I am attaching several documents we have developed as a collective. 

I was very impressed by Our Media website and the concepts included.  I would like very much for us to be able to have some working relationship.  Thank you for your time, consideration and hard work.


Marie Trigona

Grupo Alavio "action, organization and struggle for a new working class subjectivity."

Grupo Alavio has been producing audiovisual materials describing social conflicts and workers' struggles for almost 10 years.  We consider our documentaries an intervention.  A fundamental axis for action is the application of technique and technology.  They allow us the tools to struggle and construct subjectivity from the interests and identity of the working class and oppressed sectors. 

At this time we put together materials as a quick response, and an example:  counter-information jounalism, proof against state repression, and as materials to plan and evaluate direct action, ect.  Some of our more elaborated projects are destined to reflect and search for contradictions that impede successful confrontations for an emanicpatory struggle. 

We work in projects collaborating with struggling social organizations and these organizations also propose and author projects.  In the past year, we have grwon as part of collectives created in response to the deepening crisis in Argentina.  We are currently working in an experience in community television. 

Marie Trigona
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"Every worker is entitled to sabotage whatsoever conspires to destroy him [her]."
Ratgeb, from Wildcat Strike to Widespread Self-Management (1974).



a global network of activists, academics, and practitioners

working toward stronger alternative, community, and citizens' media.


Una red global de activistas y academic@s apoyando

los medios alternativos, ciudadanos y comunitarios


Contact: Clemencia Rodriguez

University of Oklahoma

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