FYI and for our students....

The Society for Cinema and Media Studies, in an effort to encourage greater
minority student participation in the organization, has initiated a travel
fund to help such students attend our annual conference.  Minority students,
who are currently enrolled in a graduate program, are interested in
attending the SCMS conference in Atlanta, GA (March 4-7, 2004), and need
financial support are encouraged to apply.  Two levels of support are

    --    For students traveling over 200 miles, 12 separate grants of
$200 each will be provided.  A lottery system will be adopted should the
number of applicants exceed the number of grants.

    --    For students traveling less than 200 miles and for those
individuals in category 1 who fail to receive travel funds because the
number of applicants exceeds the number of grants, six separate waivers of
registration fees will be provided.  A lottery system will be adopted should
the number of applicants exceed the number of grants.

Applicants must be members of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
Each student is eligible to receive one $200 travel grant.  A student who
received a grant for travel to the 2003 conference or an earlier conference
is not eligible for a 2004 travel grant, but may apply for a waiver of
registration fees for the 2004 conference (if the student has not been
awarded a waiver previously). A student who received a registration fee
waiver for the 2003 conference or an earlier conference is not eligible for
a 2004 conference fee waiver, but may apply for a $200 travel grant if s/he
is traveling over 200 miles to the conference (if the student has not been
awarded a grant previously). Students attending the SCMS conference will be
given the same consideration for travel grants and fee waivers as students
participating in workshops, on panels, or in other types of conference
forums or sessions. Two grants and one waiver will be assigned by lottery in
each of the following categories: African/African American, Latino/a
(including Native American), Asian Pacific American, Middle Eastern, and
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered/Queer, with two additional awards and one
additional waiver assigned by lottery to the remaining applicants.

To be considered please complete the form on the reverse side of this page.
The completed form should be sent, with a postmark date no later than
January 1, 2004, to: Susan Ohmer, University of Notre Dame, Department of
American Studies, 303 O'Shaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556.


First Name:  ___________________  MI:  ______  Last Name: __________________

Address:  _____________________________________________________________

City:  ____________________  State:  _________  Zip Code:_______________

Home Phone:  _______________________  Work Phone:  ____________________

Fax:  _______________________  E-Mail:  __________________________________

Academic Affiliation:  ____________________________________________________

I will be traveling to the conference from____________________________________
                                           (Indicate closest airport/state)

I am applying for: (check one)

Travel Grant _____      Registration Waiver _____

Have you received a travel grant in the past?    YES _________ NO _________

Have you received a registration waiver in the past?  YES _______ NO _______

Please identify "under-represented" group: ______________________________

State briefly your reason(s) for and interest in attending the 2004

SIGNED ______________________________________DATE___________________