We had that meeting about the float today and I wanted to let everyone know that we are all going to meet at 1:45 in Copeland Hall Lobby on Saturday to get ready for the parade. We are going to have the trailer, but we are just throwing some bails of hay and pumpkins on it and going for a harvest look. We'll have JMC banners and there was some talk about getting "under construction" and "caution tape" and decorating with that in honor of our new building. People were talking about wearing hardhats too, so if you happen to have a hardhat, (real or costume) go for it.

If you are running late and miss us at Copeland, you can meet us at the lineup at the corner of Parsons and Elm and the parade kicks off at 3:00. But it would be so much easier to just meet up at Copeland. Plus the later you get there the less chance you have of riding on the float and the more chance you have of hoofing it. Kathy Adams will have some snacks there for us and we'll have candy to throw. We're just supposed to wear crimson shirts. That's about all I can think of. This was a lot of fun last year, so come on. You know you want to.


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