Just a reminder!

The Sooner Ballroom Dance Club will be meeting in the Associates Room
tomorrow(Tues) evening.  It's the last lesson of this session.  We'll start
learning tango, cha-cha, and hustle for the new session starting the 6th.

Keep in mind any times you can volunteer to man the booth and sell tickets
for the Moonlit Masquerade.  The booth is on April 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and
7th from 10-2.

Also, we'll be in the office cubicle on Sun. at 7:00 p.m.  working on
decorations.  We'll be working on decorations again onTuesday night after
club, so please considering helping (pizza and cokes provided).

We'll need help setting up Thursday, the 8th all throughout the day.

Sign-up sheets will be on the check-in table on Tuesday.

Thanks guys!

Delanie Janke

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