Hope your Spring Breaks were marvelous!
Alpha Phi Omega, the co-ed service fraternity which has helped us out on many occasions, is having their annual Ugly Man on Campus fundraiser right now through this Thursday--and they have decided to give half the proceeds to OU Habitat for Humanity!  (The other half goes to the winner's charity of choice--which, for 3 of the candidates, is also Habitat.)  SO, what you need to do, is go to one of the booths--either in the Union or the South Oval--and donate some money to your favorite candidate!  Of course, I have my own thoughts on who is the best, but for the sake of official decorum, I will refrain from self-advertising that I myself, Clint Givens, am running for Ugly Man on Campus and that you should give money to me.
Ahem.  Like I said, the most important thing is that we help APO raise as much money as possible!  Half of it goes to us, and half goes to another worthy charity.  (Possibly also us.)
In other news, OU Habitat's next general meeting is next Thursday, April 1, at 7pm, in the OMU Traditions Room.  We will be discussing (among other things) officer elections, so if you're interested in finding out about the positions and possibly running, you should come to this meeting.