hello everybody, this is just a reminder about the Blogger workshop that we will be having on Wednesday at 11 over in the SLIS Computer Lab (Bizzell Library 118, in the Library school; enter through the doors to the Old Library). it's a good idea to activate your OU webspace a day before starting your blogging adventures! http://casweb.ou.edu/olr/software/blogger/s_webspace.htm and for those of you who cannot attend the session, you will find the handout and other Blogger information here: http://casweb.ou.edu/olr/software/blogger/s_index.htm plus, the Online Learning Resource Center site (draft!!!) has been reorganized to match the plan that Karen suggested for her revised online orientation: http://casweb.ou.edu/olr/index.htm please send along suggestions and requests - along with comments/corrections for any of the material that is posted there now. it looks like we will have a great support website for the Fall courses - thanks to everybody for their input! see you Wednesday, Laura