OU Improv! (Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! or OUI! for short) will perform this Saturday, May 8th, in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, 900 Asp Ave., on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus. The show is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. in the Union’s Sooner Room. Some content may not be suitable for everyone. There will be a 7 p.m. warm-up open to all. OU Improv! performs every other Saturday at 8 p.m. in the union. Performances last approximately two hours and include a brief 15-minute open mic for individual performers at the beginning of the show. There also is a 15-minute intermission midway through the show. Admission to all performances is free and open to the public. OU Improv! has been one of the University of Oklahoma’s best-kept secrets for the last two years. But, hopefully, not for much longer. Come find out what you've been missing out on. We combine elements of music, theater and group play to build community and to foster a challenging, fun and relaxing outlet for expression. OU Improv! welcomes new members and hopes to see you at our next show. OU Improv! can be hired for private functions, departmental and corporate parties, team building workshops, weddings, fraternity and sorority events, and many other occasions. For more information, to make special arrangements, or for booking availability, contact Eric Webb at (405) 307-9769 or [log in to unmask] or Jamie White at (405) 310-6536 or [log in to unmask] OU Improv!: All are welcome. Participate or just watch. Always have fun. _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/ _ _ You are recieving this message because you are subscribed to the OU Improv! listserv. To unsuscribe go to http://lists.ou.edu and search for OUIMPROV-L and select unsuscribe. If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]