Hi everyone,

If 7 year olds can do it, then blogging can't be too difficult for me
to learn:

Besides being rather simple to use, this article makes several
pedagogical points about weblogs, including:
1.  Increased student interest
2.  Increased student success  (duh; this follows from #1, right?)
3.  Involvement of outside community
4.  More "inspired" writing than in Word
5.  Allows students to speak "with own voice"
6.  Allows students to interact with each other to create a virtual
7.  "Not like pinning an essay on a classroom wall."

Choice quote on #3 and #6:
"Rather than using a weblog as a platform for an individual voice, you
can use it for a collaboration of many voices. A class of students
doing a project on the environment might want to start a weblog about
their local river; because it's online, it might attract interest from
local residents and policy-makers too. The local community can be drawn
in on something that, without the weblog, would have been isolated
within the school."

Oh yes, one more thing:  I found this article through a blog...
