Following up on an email from Rob (see below)... :-)

YES! I love these sites that are about sharing flash cards - here's one that I really like, because they do Greek font support! (actually Unicode font support across the board: very impressive) it is an EXCELLENT site, highly searchable, very well organized, with a range of free services without signing in, free registered services, and some advanced services (import, export, printing) that they make available for a onetime $14.95 fee (I've only used the free services, though):

and, of course, there's always the mighty QUIA: - QUIA is wonderful because by putting in the same set of words for flash cards, you also get concentration and matching games as well, with no additional data entry AND you can import the same list of paired words for other activities and quizzes as well. gotta love the guys at QUIA!

-----Original Message-----
Speaking of free, online study tools, here is a flash card generator from StudyStack. Lots of fun and an interesting archive as well.


Posted by Laura Gibbs to OU...Online at 6/26/2004 11:47:12 AM