hello everybody, as you know there is content up at the Online Learning Resource Center, but no design yet.
it's time to add the design, and that process is now underway, with the help of one of my former students, Randy Hoyt.
over the next two weeks, we will be applying the design to the existing content. the first step is to build the general template and navigation; the next step is to choose a color scheme and graphics; and the third step is to move the content into the resulting design!
anyway, here are some sketches of the general template and navigation; if you have any suggestions, please let me know. the main goals are:
cross-browser: Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla
sized for both both small and large monitors
easy navigation and user-friendly font
printer-friendly version
there is a main page, showing the four main categories:
there is an index page layout at the category level (example: Software)
there is an index page layout at the subcategory level (example: Blogging)
and page of actual content (note the Printer Friendly version button)
I am glad to say that all the layout on this page is down using stylesheets rather than embedded tables, and that all the navigation is text based, without images (those may look like buttons, but they're not). this is important for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance; ADA requirements are very hard to meet with embedded tables and non-text-based navigation.
any input is very welcome! we will be working on the actual color scheme and graphics early next week. so if you have reactions/requests, please let me know.