hi everybody, as the summer races along, I'd like to propose these
topics for our Wednesday get-togethers. please let me know what you
think: everything is subject to change, of course, based on what you
folks would find most useful!

Wed. July 14: show-and-tell of best internet resources that people use
in their field. 
please send me LINKS to great resources you use even if you cannot
attend and I'll compile them in a list (thanks to Katie for links she
sent already!). this is a good way to learn about resources you too
might use, and also just to see what kind of websites are being built to
serve academic/educational needs in various fields.

Wed. July 21: trial-run of our presentation for MERLOT.
Karen and I will go over the revamped Online Orientation and the
evolving Online Learning Resources website (although we still have not
laid down a design, the content for the website keeps growing:

Wed. July 28: visit from Library folks.
several folks from Reference Services in the Library will be coming to
talk to us about their online resources and student support services.
this will be a great chance to meet these nice folks in person and find
out about their plans for the future.

Wed. Aug. 4: NO MEETING
Karen and I will both be at MERLOT this week.

Wed. Aug. 11: ideas about making first week of class optimal

Wed. Aug. 18: show-and-tell of people's course's before classes begin

FALL SEMESTER: after August 18 we will need to poll people and see when
we might meet once classes begin, but I'm guessing we will not be
meeting that first week of classes, due to the usual frenzy!