From J. Madison Davis:
"This looks like a good opportunity for anyone interested in learning Magazine operations or writing for one."
 Lynx, OU’s newest source for arts and culture, is now accepting internship applications for the Fall 2004 semester. We are seeking students from all backgrounds who are interested in writing, editing, graphic and web design, advertising and marketing. Journalism, English, fine arts, business and modern languages majors are all encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in applying, stop by the World Literature Today office, located at 110 Monnet Hall, to fill out an application. To find out more information about this opportunity or to download an application form from the Lynx website, visit 

Please note that in addition to an application, students interested in writing will be asked to submit two samples of their work (no longer than 500 words, please). All applicants should also be prepared for a personal interview. Applications and accompanying materials should be turned in no later than June 1(Merelyn Bell reports that there's no deadline for submissions.)

Merleyn Bell

Design and Content Editor