Oklahoma Writing Project 2004 Fall Teacher/Student Writing Workshop Monday, November 1, 2004 Moore-Norman Career Technology Center “Write To Win” Registration Deadline October 20 Each teacher may bring 5 students, all grades, K-12. (Sorry, space limits us to no more than 5.) Parents welcome, too. Participants will choose from various workshop sessions, where they will receive tips on how to win the 2005 OWP Writing Contest. Separate sessions for elementary, middle school, and high school. All workshops will be presented by Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher Consultants. Students will attend two workshops in the morning, focusing on writing poetry, essays, personal narratives, descriptions, and short short stories. All students will leave with a rough draft of a piece they may enter in the 2005 OWP Writing Contest for Students and Teachers. Teachers will attend separate workshops, focusing on successful methods for teaching writing in the classroom. In the afternoon, everyone will attend a joint session so that teachers and students may write and share together. Lunch is available on campus for $4-$6, or students may bring a sack lunch. Teachers may also take students out for lunch but may not bring restaurant food into the Career Tech Center. Please indicate on the registration form if your students will be eating at the Tech Center so that we can notify the cafeteria of how many extra people they will be serving that day. Schedule for the Day: 8:30 Registration/Refreshments 9:00-9:20 Orientation 9:30-10:45 Session One 11:00-12:15 Session Two 12:15-1:30 Lunch (Students may eat on campus, bring sack lunch, or go out to lunch with teacher.) 1:30-2:45 Joint Session for Teachers and Students JOINT SESSION: CELEBRATE OKLAHOMA’S OWN WOODY GUTHRIE Guided by Dana Loy of Alcott Middle School Teachers and Students will Collaborate To Write a “Talkin’ Blues” Poem Registration Deadline October 20, 2004 Teachers, $25 Students, $15 Parents, $15 Mail or fax registration (below) to: Janis Cramer, OWP Co-Director 3116 Pinecrest, Bethany OK 73008 Questions: Phone or Fax (405) 495-4903 Email: [log in to unmask] Teachers will receive a map with directions to the Career Tech Center and a program of the workshop sessions by October 28. Please be sure to include school fax number on registration form. Registration form attached; also available at ou.edu/special/owp/