Hello all,

This is just a short note to let everyone know that we will be bringing in a special guest speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Lipsmeyer to speak on Friday, November 19th. She is a former nun and current art historian, and will be speaking on the role of monumental wooden sculpture from around 1000AD. It should be a wonderful evening and I would very much encourage you to  attend - and bring a friend! We really, really  want to give Dr. Lipsmeyer a good reception.

Also, we will be having a student colloquium on Thursday, December 2nd.  Everyone (including non-majors) are welcome to submit a short one-page abstract of their current or past work to the file folder located on the door of  FJ 203 -across from the School of Art office. Abstracts are due by November 18th and a list of chosen presenters will be posted on the door of 203 by Nov. 22nd. This is a great chance to practice your presentation skills in front of a friendly, constructive audience, so don't miss it!

Please feel free to email me back at [log in to unmask] with any questions.

Stephanie Huey
Art History Association
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