Join us this Thursday for our next OU Habitat social event--a hayride,
complete with bonfires and probably some type of s'more-like things!
If you haven't already signed up, don't worry: you're not required to!
 We'd love for you to come, regardless.  The cost is only $6, and the
plan is: meet up at 6:45pm sharp at the SE corner of Lloyd Noble
Center (same place as Trick-or-Change) this Thursday, November 18.
We'll carpool over to Thunderbird from there.  This should be tons of
fun--bring a friend or two!

And now, the minutes from our Nov. 9 members meeting.

1.  OU Habitat shirts are available for those who ordered them.  Pay
Corrie Polito if you ordered one and haven't paid her yet.

2.  We are once again participating in Sooner Mall's Festival of
Giving (formerly Evening of Giving) fundraiser.  Nov. 21 from 6:30-0pm
the mall stays open late for ticketholders with caroling, refreshment,
and discounts at several stores.  Several tickets were distributed for
selling--cost is $5, if you're interested, find someone that's
selling, or come by the booth Thursday.

3.  Collegiate Challenge: we are traveling to Taos over Spring Break,
and we need one more person to go. (note: since the meeting, this spot
has been filled, and we have reached our limit of 5.)

4.  Trick-or-Change: thanks to everyone who participated,
Trick-or-Change made almost $1000!  Hooray.

5.  Kirtan Nautiyal, membership/education chair, distributed
information about membership status.  (To be an active member, we
require you to have attended at least 3 meetings and 1 fundraiser, or
2 fundraisers.)

6.  Hayride:  see opening paragraph above for info.

7.  We are still having booth days at the Union--the final one is this
Thursday.  Come by and say hi.