OK, I know everyone is really annoyed with the virus situation, no one more so than myself. After all, its my e-mail addresses that has been getting spoofed! First, the e-mail that went out last night (Re: Hello) was not the virus. I was trying to send myself a copy of the first e-mail from the list archives so we could examine the header information and try and determine the origin of the e-mail. The forwarded message was sent out over the list instead. My apologies. I HAVE GOOD NEWS THOUGH!!! We have been able to identify the offending computer that has sent all but one of the virus laden e-mails. That computer has since been cleaned and is virus-free. I wish I could say that this would eliminate the problem completely. However, we have yet to identify the sender of the original e-mail that went out last Wednesday, from a computer in Adams Tower Dormitory with the ip of If you are subscribed to this list and live in Adams Tower, please go to www.whatismyip.com and make sure that your computer is not responsible for the initial outbreak. Once again, if you are concerned that you may have opened one of the attachments and downloaded the virus, go here to download the removal tool: http:[log in to unmask] Barring the situation where more mail is sent out from that original computer, I think we should be in the clear. I appreciate everyone's patience in dealing with this problem and look forward to seeing you all at our next Union Show on Sat. Nov. 20th at 8pm in the Scholars Room (3rd Floor). If you have any questions please contact me. -- Sincerely, Eric Webb Manager/Administrative Coordinator, O.U. Improv! Phone: (405) 307-9769 E-Mail: [log in to unmask] AIM: thelastavatar ------------------------------------------------------------ You are recieving this message because you are subscribed to the OU Improv! listserv. To unsuscribe go to http://lists.ou.edu and search for OUIMPROV-L and select unsuscribe. If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]