Hello everyone,

First off, apologies to those who came yesterday at 7:30 to discover
that there was, in fact, no meeting.  We decided to move it, and
thought that it had just been a tentative date discussed amongst
ourselves but not officially on a public schedule of events,
but--er--we were wrong.  Sorry.

So, in a humble effort to earn back your trust, we will be holding an
actual, real-life, flesh-and-blood meeting Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 7:30pm
in the vaunted Crimson Room of the Union, in which will be discussed
such matters as: members' build date (coming soon), spring fundraisers
(what are they??), and probably some other stuff too (probably some
other stuff too).  Hope you'll join us.

Clint Givens
OUHFH Secretary