Hi, guys. It's Mikela here. I have some news that I wanted to share with you. Those of you who went through the Summer Institute with me know that I wrote my teacher wisdom piece on a student of mine from last year. Anyway, I just saw this student the other day and found out that not only have that not had any discipline referrals this year, but they currently have an A in the hardest math class at the Junior High. I was so excited and had to share this wonderful news with you all. Also, there has go to be something really magical about OWP I've been applying everything that I learned this summer to class this year and at our school every year we have a reflections writing competition. Anyway, out of all the entries this year two my students placed in the top three and their writing is going on to state. Wow, can you guys believe it? This would have never happened without OWP. Thanks for everything you guys teach us. Okay, I just wanted to share those things with you all as I knew you would be excited.
Love ya,
Mikela ;0)

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