Hi All,

I have had only one person confirm an interest in the workshop on Blogging,
Saturday, January 22. Two others indicated a tentative interest. If anyone
is interested in attending, please email me by Thursday evening or I will
have to cancel this workshop.

I do have several NWP blog addresses that I can give away to someone who has
learned enough to use them!

Jan. 22 - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Blogging

Blogs (web logs) offer a way to create, edit, maintain, and update webpages
through a simple browser interface. A blog requires no programming knowledge
whatsoever, yet it allows the "owner" to customize the website. Teachers can
preview online publication and responses. If you can type, you can edit.
Sample blogs, ranging from private journals to class publications, will be
explored. Teachers will register for a free practice blog and create their
own weblog. Sites such as Manila's Userland, EBN (Educational Bloggers
network), Schoolblogs, and eBlog will be explored.


Sandra Effinger
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Technology Liaison
Oklahoma Writing Project