I'm sending this at Dr. Jim Davis's request:


Dear Dr. Davis,

Would you please recommend any of your students, at your discretion, for the Journalism Studies Scholarship which is being sponsored by The Association of Young Journalists and Writers? To apply for the $2,000 scholarship, students should fill out the simple online application without processing fee. Students interested, should visit our website:


Besides scholarships, the website also has many useful features for the aspiring journalist or writer. From help getting published to monthly writing prizes, AYJW is the place for students who seek a future in writing.

On the website are also featured a media directory and a college directory. Your program is included in our college directory which assists high school students seeking such an education choose the right college. Please let your students know of this scholarship and writing support available for them through the association. You can alternatively email their names and emails to us or print an announcement about the scholarship and post it. This can be found at:


Thank You Very Much,
Robert Anderson – AYJW Scholarships Coordinator