For anyone who happens to read this before you go to bed tonight:
don't forget the pancake breakfast tomorrow morning (Sat.), 7-11am, at
McFarlin Methodist.  Tickets are $4, you can buy them at the door, and
be sure to mention that you're with OU Habitat so that we will get the
money!!!!!  It's all you can eat pancakes, sausage, eggs?, etc.  And
of course, 7-11am means you don't technically have to get there until,
like, 10:30, and you can eat for 30 minutes.

We had officer elections last at the meeting last Tuesday.
Congratulations to next year's slate of officers:

President: Evan Skinner
VP Membership: Kirtan Nautiyal
VP Administration: Liz Robbe
Secretary: Lauren Black
Treasurer: Joey Picca
Publicity: Ryan Mock, Scott Butcher
Shack-a-Thon: Patrick Neville
5K run: Stephanie Poplin
Webmaster: Clint Givens
Social: Stephanie Huey
Service: Corrie Polito

-Clint Givens
Secretary, OUHFH