Thursday is good. Priscilla (another former lurker, jumping on the bandwagon and revealing herself.) ----- Original Message ----- From: Mary Ross <[log in to unmask]> Date: Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:38 pm Subject: Re: [PWA-L] Meeting impossibilities.... > I was thinking maybe we can call ahead to Borders to warn > them there's > a group coming. That is...if there are going to be more than just > a few of > us. So does Thursday at 7pm work for enough people to make it > worth a phone > call? If we need to, we could try having meetings a couple > different nights > so anyone who wants to can attend at least one. > I think regular meetings would be a great way to help hold > each other > accountable for actually writing...those of us that no longer have > Chesteror Davis hanging over our heads, that is. No offense > intended, of course. > :-) > So basically I just want to try to get a rough estimate for > Thursdaynight. Right now I know Matt and me. I think we're both > pretty open in the > evenings so if you guys would like to suggest another night > instead, we're > open for it. > ~Mary~ >