Here's some information from Liz Kiser, one of our list members, that Deborah Chester asked me to pass along.  It's an "alternative" approach to book drives that Liz has been exploring over at UCO.  (There was an attachment with the original that I didn't include, since it was a Better World Books proposal developed specifically for UCO.

Subject: Fw: Better World Books follow-up
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:36:50 -0500
To: [log in to unmask]

Professor Chester,

I just spoke with a lady from the organization below called Better World Books. She was calling to get her information out here on UCO's campus but I mentioned our little PWA bookdrive. I wasn't sure if you had a way to get books to Katrina victims, especially since Houston is evacuated. I thought this might be an option for you all.

The catch is that our books won't go directly into anyone's hands. Because organizations are mostly taking cash donations Better World Books would take our book donations, resell them and the money would go to buying new books and textbooks for Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas schools.  This organization pays for shipping and all we'd have to do is get onto the UPS website, print out labels and call them to come and pick up our boxes.

There's definately something important about knowing that a book that you've enjoyed will bring joy to others so I'm not sure how other PWA members will feel about this option, but if you all haven't found any other solutions for shipping them, it might be worth it. Feel free to forward this on to the list for discussion if you think it appropriate.

Let me know and I will make all the arrangements whenever you are ready to do something with the books! :)

Liz Kiser
Volunteer Center Coordinator
University of Central Oklahoma

To     <[log in to unmask]>
Subject     Better World Books follow-up

Good afternoon Liz. I left you a voicemail message last week and wanted to follow-up with some additional information regarding the service project/fundraiser I spoke of. My organization has been implementing this project on campuses for the last 3 years. I’ve attached an ‘overview’ that summarizes what the project looks like. I am hoping this information can be shared with your student organizations. Please let me know what I can send (flyers, power point presentation, announcement for listserve) that would be most appropriate. I look forward to working with your office to disseminate this information to UCO student organizations.

Yours in service,
Laurie Lawson
Southwest Regional Director