I have class Tuesday nights, as do many other MPW students. Other than that, I could swing by, sans wallet... for my own safety.

Will Prescott

canadianokie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Do you mean a PWA gathering or a book drive gathering? Either way,
I'd like to meet some more PW folks, so I'm in. Borders is always
good. But Borders is also a dangerous place for a bunch of bookworms
to gather...pocketbook-wise, that is!


On Sep 23, 2005, at 6:12 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Well, it sounds like quite a few people have dropped their 2 books
> worth for the Katrina book drive, now I was wondering if there were
> any plans to perhaps have a gathering of sorts? Meeting just
> sounds so formal and all, so perhaps if there's a certain night
> that everyone's free (impossible as that may be)? I'm free any
> night after 7pm, and I'd prefer to meet at Borders or Barnes and
> Noble, but anywhere is a possibility.
> So...any one else interested?

William D. Prescott

University of Oklahoma

office no. 405-325-2710

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