Hello all,

This is just a quick note to let you know that Art History Association will be taking a 'field trip' to the OKC
Museum of Art on Thursday, October 27th. We will meet at the front entrance of the museum at 4pm to have a
behind-the-scenes tour and also view the new exhibit, Artist as Narrator. The musuem is open late on
Thursdays, so we will have plenty of time afterwards to look around or to go see the Thursday Night Movie
(Elevator to the Gallows- a film noir) at 7:30pm. It should be lots of fun and the best part is it's all FREE!! (Well,
not the movie, but the rest is.)

If you want to know more about the exhibit or movies, etc, check out the museum's website at

If you want to carpool up to the city, sign up on the sheet posted on the door of FJ 203.

Also, there is going to be a GREAT, FREE guest lecture this Thursday, Oct. 21st at Fred Jones Jr. Museum of
Art. The lecture, entitled The Last Finished Sculptures of Michelangelo, will be given by Dr. Creighton Gilbert,
Yale professor Emeritus of the History of Art. It will be at 5:30pm in the Mary Eddy and Fred Jones Auditorium,
in the lower level of the museum. Seats will fill very quickly, so come early.

If you have questions about any of this, feel free to email me back.
