Hello All, For many years now "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has been shown at The Sooner Theater on Halloween, except for this year. For reasons known, but unconfirmed, "Rocky" will not be seen at The Sooner this year! "WHAT?!? NO ROCKY ON HALLOWEEN?!?," you say... Never fear! I decided to do something about this situation. So, we'll be showing "Rocky" on a large-ish screen on campus instead. Please forward to EVERYONE you know that would be interested in coming. This is all happening last minute and I need your help to get the word out ASAP!!! Details follow: ----- What: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" When: Monday, October 31 Doors open at 9:30PM/Movie Starts at 10:00pm $2.00 Cover Where: The Frontier Room (2nd Floor of The Oklahoma Memorial Union) Costume Contest, Audience Participation, Virgin Auction, & More!!! (No Rice, Toast, TP, Water guns… Sorry, I'm not willing to be liable for the mess!) For More Info: E-Mail [log in to unmask] __________________________________ Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------ You are recieving this message because you are subscribed to the OU Improv! listserv. To unsuscribe go to http://lists.ou.edu and search for OUIMPROV-L and select unsuscribe. If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]