Yes, that's right, folks. Tonight is the night for a not-very-much-notice
Habitat social event. So, if you're free, join us.
 WHEN: tonight, Thursday, November 17, 2005, 9pm-10:30pm
WHERE: Sooner Bowling Center (on W. 24th Ave., between Main and Robinson)
WHAT: Glow Bowling!
WHO: Habitat members!
WHY: To get to know each other, and have some fun!
MONEY: I told some people at the meeting Tuesday that we would take care of
some of the cost. That is PROBABLY still true, but it does depend on what we
hear back from the UOSA people about our account today. In any case, we'll
at least be asking you to pay for your shoes, and possibly for the bowling
itself as well. So bring enough money to cover both! ($8 should be plenty)
 See you there! If you have any more questions, call me at 226-0066.
-Clint Givens