To all Improv Fans-

Be thankful - O.U. Improv! is at it again!

Saturday, November 19th is the Thanksgiving show you have been waiting for.  Don't spend another Saturday in your squeaky recliner watching football - give thanks and come enjoy some hilarious improvisational comedy!  O.U.Improv! (Obviously Unrehearsed Improv!), OU's best and oldest improvisational comedy troupe, will be giving a FREE - yes, free! - performance in the Scholars Room on the third floor of the Union at 8:00 p.m. So bring your turkey giblets, your sense of humor, but probably not your small children - some material may not be suitable for all audiences.

Once again (now write this down on that cornucopia-shaped message pad your mom gave you)

O.U.Improv! Performance
Saturday, Nov. 19th at 8:00 p.m.
Scholars Room, OMU (3rd floor)

One more special note:  O.U.I.! has an opening for press coordinator for the troupe.  This means we're looking for someone to help out with press releases, mail like the one you're reading now, etc.  So if you'd like to be involved in improv, but the thought of getting onstage makes your mouth drier than grandma's stuffing, contact us at the e-mail address provided below.  Enthusiasm is required; experience is not.

For more information or to make special arrangements, please contact us at [log in to unmask] or visit us on the web for more info at

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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to and sign up for [log in to unmask]