Salute your dances,

So the survey last week said we would still be having club this week. I apologize for the late email and apologize again if you've already made conflicting plans because of the uncertainty. At any rate, here's the breakdown.

Who: Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and You!
What: 3rd lesson of Tango, Cha-Cha and Hustle
When: Tuesday Nov 22nd 6:30 pm
Where: OU Student Union, Scholars Room, 3rd floor
Why: Meet new people, learn new things,  and have fun. Why else?

The Scholars room is on the 3rd floor of the Union building, on the North end between the Parking Garage and the Ballroom. It is carpeted, so soft soled shoes or heavy socks are highly recommended. Really, any kind of shoe without heavy tread or sticky soles will work.

We have no other activities for this week in observance of Turkey Day. The week after Thanksgiving break, however, we do have all kinds of stuff going on in preparation for the ball. We'll be running a ticket booth Tuesday-Friday from 10am-2pm. If you'd like to volunteer to sell tickets and give out information at the booth, contact me and I'll supply the details. We will also be selling tickets at the club meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday the 22nd), at our meeting on the Tuesday after break, and at Sarkey's on Friday after the break. If you have paid dues for two sessions this semester, you are entitled to a free ticket and, at your option, one more ticket at the price of $5.

Have a Good Break!
Pres. Patrick Macklin

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