Wednesdays Feb. 1 & 8, from 8-10 pm (in Alabama) on Public Television African American Lives with Dr. Henry Louis Gates will show in 2 parts.  Gates says, “Slavery deprived African Americans of their historical and familial memory, and this series is an attempt to restore that memory -- on both sides of the Atlantic.”

 The series follows DNA ancestral analysis of several prominent African Americans.  In a very limited fashion you can also get your deep ancestry traced by joining the National Geographics Geonome project.  I believe the website is .  I did this and the results were limited but VERY personally moving.  Check with your tax attorney to see if the nominal fee (for this kind of DNA analysis) to participate in this huge research project by this non-profit organization is partially or wholly tax deductible.

In Connection,

Professor E-K. Daufin, Ph.D.

Department of Communications

Alabama State University

915 South Jackson St.

Montgomery, AL 36101-0271


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