Hello to everyone on the Heartland list serve,


See the following e-mail I received today from Dana Orten along w/the
attachment she provided.




I was looking at the "What's New" section of my health insurance, and
noticed that United Health Care covers nutritional formulas for inborn
errors of metabolism.  See the second section of the attached pdf file.
Please pass this on to whoever you think is interested.  United is one
of two choices for our health insurance at BTNRH.


Dana Jo Orten, Ph.D. [log in to unmask] 
Center for the Study and Treatment of Usher Syndrome 
Boys Town National Research Hospital 
555 N. 30th Street, Omaha, NE 68131
402-498-6698 Fax: 402-498-6331


Carol Beck   

Administrative Secretary

Heartland Regional Coordinating Center

(405) 271-8685

(405) 271-8697 (fax)

[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  


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