Hello Everyone,
  Your favorite Improv troupe is ready to turn you all into Improv  geniuses. This Saturday is our first 2006 Community Workshop and you  are all invited. Know about improv from the inside by learning games,  mime, and other improv techniques.
  Bring your friends and family -All ages welcome. (If you bring a  youngster, they need to be able to follow directions and be members of  an audience when other participants are trying out their stuff.  Otherwise we love them all--young and young at heart.)

  Your Improv Guide for the day will be none other than the amazing Clint Vrazel.

  Please join us.
  This Saturday, 2/25, 2-4pm
  Norman Public Library
  Gray St. & Webster Ave.-Norman

  See you then,
  O.U. Improv! Manager

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