Program Committee: I'm forwarding this message from Shirley who is handling the sharing sessions for 2006. They look good to me, though I don't know if we need 2 research sessions. What do you think? Tim >>> <[log in to unmask]> 02/02/06 11:15 AM >>> I figure I should send out a message to SCC - don't really know how - ask for ideas for sharing sessions and volunteers to lead sharing sessions and maybe include these ideas. Last year there were 6 sharing topics. There were 2 time slots in which three topics were held. What do you think? Research 101 - What it is, types, etc Research 102 - I have an idea, now what? The changing world of reference Archives - how do you deal with maintaining an institution's history? Coping with and using usage statistics Article linkers/ URL openers - what are your options and optimum use?