Subject line says it all. Except the details because that's where the devil lives.

So location change this week. We've been moved to Sarkey's East Atrium. Big red brick building on the corner of boyd and jenkins. If you go in the street level (down the outside steps, not up the ramp) and head down to what would seem to be the basement, we're at the far end of the hall from where the tables and chairs are.

Who: Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and You!
What: Lesson numero dos in Tango, ChaCha and Hustle
When: Beginning: Tuesday 4/11 at 6:30pm Intermediate: 8pm
Where: Sarkey's East Atrium, bottom floor near the Bedrock Cafe
Why: for the #1 most important thing in ballroom dancing: To HAVE FUN!

Let's see.... other than that what's going on. Intermediate lesson will be taught this week by Candi Boone at 8pm, same bat cave same bat channel. The dance this week for intermediate is the ChaCha.

What else . . . Candi is organizing a dance team to perform at a National Dance contest this summer. If you're interested in demonstrating your sweet skills as part of a formation or as a contestant, just reply to this email with your contact info and I'll get you in touch. I think they'll be finalizing personel this week so let me know soon.

Thursday night, April 13th at 7pm in the OMU Ballroom is our 3rd Annual spring ball, the Moonlit Masquerade. Look for a special announcement email on that soon (not just yet because my laptop is almost out of batteries). Tickets are on sale now and members of the club (a member is someone who has paid for two five-week sessions this semester) get a free ticket.

As always don't hesitate to ask any questions that may spring forth from your brain fully formed. That's it for now as my computer is about to power do...

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