How's it going, dancers?

This is Erin, announcing that this week, just like nearly every other week,
we have, for your dancing enjoyment, not one, but TWO opportunities to
exercise and improve your mad skillz on the dance floor. (How's that for a
run-on sentence, hmm?) We've got lessons on Tuesday night and Informal
Social Dancing on Friday, so come out and have some fun with us!

Who: The Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and You!
What: Beginning and Intermediate dance lessons.
When: Beginning at 6:30pm and Intermediate at 8pm, Tuesday, September 19th.
Where: Will Rogers Room, Oklahoma Student Union, First Floor, food court
area near the jukebox.
Why: To HAVE FUN! (why else?)

So. We're still going strong, teaching Swing, Fox Trot, and Rumba, and won't
be in the Scholar's room again this week (and for who knows how long) due to
some "renovations" the Union's been working on recently. Smells like paint
to me, but who knows what they're really doing behind those locked doors. .
. hmm. . .

Anyway! Parts of the Will Rogers room are carpeted, just like in the
Scholar's Room, so make sure to bring something to dance in besides
flipflops or heavily treaded shoes like boots or tennis. Soft felt or
leather soled shoes work great, but so do socks! REMEMBER that there are no
requirements other than showing up, having fun, and paying your
(ridiculously affordable) dues! It's $15 per five week session for students,
$20 for non. If you don't know how to dance, we'll teach you, and if you
don't have a partner, don't worry. Everyone dances with everyone!

FRIDAY nights are still "the big fun" though, to quote our illustrious
president. Starting at 8pm, in the Heritage room of the Union (second floor
just up the stairs and down the hall from Baird Lounge), we'll be dancing
until we collapse or they kick us out. A mini-lesson will be taught over
some basic steps, and we'll have open stereo, so bring your favorite tunes
to dance to if you'd like!

So come out and dance with us! You know you need a study break, and what
better way to spend that time, really?

Your Secretary,
Erin Abreu

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