I have had a wild and wooly day - so I am slow to respond. Yes, sign up sheets at registration seem to be the best way to go. No, the way you have it set up might not work so well. The 2 groups of Statistics and the 2 groups of Reference need to be 1 in each session, instead of 2 at the same time. I might not find another leader for the 2nd group and I could probably talk the same person into doing it twice. I am not really excited about this format. You really are only allowing 8 or 10 people at a table, 2 of which are the leader and the scribe...so that means 6 or 8....and all of your lists are already too long for a single session. I haven't double checked the lists yet, (and meant to before I responded but I am running out of time and won't be here tomorrow) but I don't think the leaders or scribes or on the lists as they stand now. If you, Nancy, are going to take care of sign-in sheets, I will send you the names that need to head each table. OR I can set up some sign-in sheets and send them to you electronically. I don't envy you this job you have! -----Original Message----- From: SCCPLA - SCC Planning Committee [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Nancy Burford Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:33 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Roundtables schedule OK, we're up against deadlines for the program (must go to printers this week) and here's what we have proposed, based on expression of interest. We have taken into account the fact that certain sessions cannot take place at the same time... AND we've checked the list of people who should be in the Executive Board meeting to make sure none of them had signed up for the second session (because the board meeting will be opposite Session 2). In the attached file, ignore the parenthetical 'checkbox' - that refers to the database name of that field. There was a suggestion for signup sheets at the registration table that would be pre-populated by what people had checked off on the registration form. I suggest that everyone would be better served by blank signup sheets. If you look carefully at the attachment, you will see that a number of people signed up for many sessions - and you can only attend 2. The registration form asked people to 'select discussions you are interested in so we can arrange rooms'. In my opinion, we really should have said something about only 2 simultaneous discussions will be occurring so people weren't misled into thinking that they could participate in as many as they wanted. Yes, it was in the program, but not on the form. But the signup sheets aren't my immediate concern - the schedule is. If you have objections to this schedule, please voice them by tomorrow afternoon. If you think any should be canceled before we send this to the printer, let me know. Session 1, 2:15 - 3:000 Ballroom 5, Research 101 An Arduous Journal: Odyssey, ILLiad, etc. Ballroom 6, The Changing world of reference (2 groups) Ballroom 7, Clinical decision support tools Go Local, not loco Mockingbird C/D Disaster planning Terrorism/Patriot Act (Break and General Session 2) Session 2, 4:45-5:30 Ballroom 5 Research 102 Archives Ballroom 6 Coping with & using usage statistics (2 groups) Ballroom 7 Nursing libraries Article linkers/URL openers Mockingbird C/D If you build it, will they come (consumer programs) Scholarly publishing Thanks, Nancy Nancy Burford Assistant Professor Resources Management Librarian Medical Sciences Library Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-4462 [log in to unmask] 979-845-1820 (voice) 979-845-7493 (fax) ---------------------------------------------------------- Attend SCC/MLA 2006 in College Station, Texas! October 20-24, 2006