This is it -- Election Day November 7, 2006 is almost here. Get as many of your friends and family to vote as possible. And don't forget yourself: Vote as if your life depends on it! Not so long ago many sacrificed their lives, livelihoods, limbs and sanity so that African-Americans could vote.  I am respecting their sacrifices by voting.

When you vote tomorrow, if you see any voting irregularities or problems, call the Election Protection hotline at 1-866-Our-Vote. The hotline provides free, immediate, and multilingual assistance to voters encountering barriers to voting. Also, if I were you I would call the Feminist Majority Foundation at 1-866-444-3652, especially for student voters and difficulties voting on any campus.

Then, if I were you I would report these problems at Because of the dramatic increase in electronic voting machines and longstanding concerns about the integrity of the voting process, three foundations (Carnegie, Ford, and Open Society Institute) are supporting a new project called, which will be collecting stories of voting irregularities. Once a person submits her or his "story" of individual irregularities, she or he will be automatically referred to nonprofit, nonpartisan voter protection organizations that will be standing by to intervene or lend support if they can.

Remember, every vote must be counted this time.

Rev. Dr. E-K. Daufin, Professor

Department of Communications

Alabama State University

915 South Jackson St.

Montgomery, AL 36101-0271


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