Matthew Morris wrote:
> Hey all,
> Last night was a good night in general for ham radio.  Myself and Chip
> (WX9EMT) went up to the shack again and tried our hand again at HF QSOs.
>  The bands were generally all open to Europe last night, so we heard
> numerous stations from around that area, as well as a couple from
> somewhere in South/Central America.  We actually did make contact with a
> station out of Canada via BPSK31 digital communications.

FB on the HF QSOs.  The 'phone weekend of the ARRL November Sweepstakes
is this coming weekend - see for details.

Excellent opportunity to work on Worked All States for the club.

Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
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How am I doing? Please contact my director, Craig Cochell, at
[log in to unmask] with any feedback. Thank you!