At the Southern Cross shack: I've made up a power cord to connect the 50W Kenwood 2m rig to the 11A power supply. I also cobbed together what is probably my sorriest-ever excuse for an antenna, but I had to use what was there. :-) It's a dipole, hung from the ceiling by tucking one end under a ceiling panel (for vertical polarization). It does work - I could hit 146.88, and 147.06, including the east-side input. However, I do have a couple requests (since it's my radio ;-): Until someone comes up with a better antenna, make sure my temp is hanging up there, and keep transmissions short. I have no idea what the SWR is, although it's cut to the nominal length of 468/146.5 feet. Also, when you are not using it, turn it and the power supply off - duh. Finally cover the radio with the plastic bag until we can come up with a better cover. I like to keep my gear looking (and working) good, and that room is a particular problem since the windows don't completely close, so dust will be a problem. Otherwise, enjoy! 73, Jud W5JA -- Dr. Judson L. Ahern Professor Emeritus, Geophysics School of Geology & Geophysics University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 [log in to unmask] W5JA